By Jake Halpern & Peter Kujawinski
This is the story of twins Marin and Kana. The island they live on experiences fourteen years of day followed by fourteen years of night. During the day the island is filled with happy and healthy people. Only the older residences have experienced the change from day to night and their escape to another land when night begins to fall. The twins have only heard stories of nightfall. It's a dangerous time. So cold you'll freeze to death and so dark you'll go mad. Marin and Kana are experiencing the first change in their lifetime. Everyone is gathering on ships to be sent away from the danger with plans to return in fourteen years. The only issue? Their best friend Line isn't anywhere to be found. They think they have enough time to find him and make it back to the ships before they leave. They don't. Now they must figure out a way to survive the darkness.
I freaking LOVED this book! From beginning to end it hooked me! This is definitely a book I could have read in one day but this past week has been HELL at work leaving me so exhausted I couldn't focus on anything. All that aside it was addicting! The storyline flowed perfectly with strange occurrences I could have never seen coming. I would not say it's a scary read but it's an adventure in darkness, literally.
Five out of five stars!