"Changes In Latitudes" By Jen Malone
Cassie and her mother have always been close. Although she is seventeen her mom has always been a best friend. One night that friendship is obliterated when Cassie overhears her parents fighting. Their family will never be the same since her mom cheated, leading to divorce, and her Dad moving to Hong Kong. Cassie cannot stand the sight of her mom so when she finds out they will be stuck in a boat together for four months it feels like end of the world. Her mom has always loved sailing so when an opportunity comes she decides to take Cassie and her brother for the vacation of a lifetime. Of course Cassie is miserable, missing her friends, and her last summer vacation before senior year. Cassie continues to fight her mother until she meets Jonah, a fellow sailor, following them in his uncles boat. Their friendship opens Cassie's eyes to everything; her parents divorce, her relationship with her mother, and four months on the sea.
Buckle up for a fun ride in this Malone story. I really loved the way she made you feel like you were a part of Cassie. You felt her emotions, good and bad. You could sympathize with her. I don't read YA adventure/romance books often but I really enjoyed this one. It was a cute and easy read. Three out of five stars.