"Cinder" By Marissa Meyer
Cinder is a young cyborg girl (half human/half robot) who drew the short straw on life. Her adoptive father passed leaving her with Adri (adoptive mom), and two "step" sisters Peony and Pearl. They live in a world on Earth, where robots and humans coexist, and the population is dwindling due to Letumosis, a quick acting, deadly, virus. Cinder is forced to become a guinea pig (thanks to Adri) for testing vaccines which no one had survived. Her blood comes back with some interesting results, she is immune to the virus, but she isn't the girl she was raised to believe in. What makes things worse is her growing friendship with Prince Kai and all the secrets she must keep from him. Prince Kai's father (the emperor) is taken by the virus leaving Kai in charge, just as a peace treaty is being considered. In hopes of continuing peace between those on Earth and the Lunars (those who live on the moon), Kai is forced to consider marriage to the Lunar's nasty leader or there will be a war and Earth will not win.
I was skeptical of Cinder at first. I am NOT a Disney Princess and Prince Charming kind of gal, this story is in no way that. There are similarties to Cinderella: evil mother and sisters, a grand ball, a prince way out of her league. This "Cinderella" is a BADASS. I would say this book is an equal take on Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Even though I guessed the ending about halfway through, I still loved the story.
Five out of five stars.