Avery Grambs and her sister live a simple life. Money is tight to the point where Avery often finds herself living in her car. Her goal in life is to escape it. Her misfortunes end when she is given the soul inheritance of billionaire, Tobias Hawthorne. Avery having no relation or knowledge of this man leaves the Hawthorne family confused, they expected to be given everything. Such luck always come with a price. Avery must live with the Hawthorne family, in their mansion, for one year or all the money will be given to a charity. Mr. Hawthorne was a man that loved a good game. Even after his death the riddles and bets continue. His biggest challenge? Discovering why Avery Grambs was chosen.
I LOVED THIS BOOK! I love puzzles of every sort and this book is one big puzzle. It kept me on my toes throughout. Always trying to find the next clue, feeling like I was a character in the book. It's going to make my top five for 2022, not doubt. Five out of five stars.